Monday, 21 May 2012

RIMMEL LONDON WakeMeUp foundation

Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation!

This foundation is so nice! It makes your skin feel really soft. It is probably for low to medium coverage, but you can build it up for a full coverage if you feel you need too. It has a pump so you don't have to squeeze it on your hand! Its unique packaging really makes it stand out in the shops, It's bright orange lid just makes it look super cool! 

The main selling point of this foundation is that it has a slight shimmer which helps to illuminate and revitilize your face, leaving a subtle glow that doesn't look oily!

I would say that it is not that expensive, it is £8 to £9 and it is such a bargin at that price because of the quality of the foundation! I tried ivory which is the lightest shade, it really looks good.
You can buy this from Boots, superdrug and of course online!!!

Thanks for reading guys!
Whats your fave foundation!?
Beth & Georgia!:)xxxxx

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