Thursday, 30 August 2012

My Wishlist!<3

Heyy Guys, So recently I have been looking at other peoples blogs and I stumbled across a post called 'My Wishlist', I have seen several posts on this and I thought lets jump on the bandwagon and join in!;)  All you have to do is to name things that you would like, and explain why! So here is my version and I will hopefully get Beth to do one too! And I will try to do some more of these posts if you guys like them!!

The first thing I would like is the Liz Earle Healthy Beautiful skin kit! It retails for £31 and I have seen so much hype about the Hot cloth cleanser I wanted to try it, but I spotted this kit on the website and I thought why not try the toner and moisturiser too! And I mean at £31 for all 3 products it's not too bad considering it is Liz Earle!

MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer, I have wanted to try this for quite a while because I have the Studio Finish one and I found it really lovely, It is easy to apply and it has a really creamy consistancy. The studio sculpt is supposedly even easier to blend into the skin! So that is why that is on my wishlist!

Another thing I have really been wanting is another skincare product, well a Mask, but this time it is from Origins I first heard about the Origins Masks fron Viviannadoesmakeup (Her twitter link)  -------- >  in one of her videos, and since then I have been dying to try one of them! And after looking through the website I decided I want to try the Clear Improvement charcoal mask! It claims to clear pores which is what I like a mask to do! And another reason I want to try this is because I have never tried an origins product before! (Yes I can tell what your thinking, 'what'!!) But I have never got round to trying one of thier products.

Anyway thanks for reading guys!
Georgia and Beth!xxxx

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Liebster Award!! xx

Heyy Guys! So todays post is to do with the Liebster Award, We have been nominated by the lovely Becca from Becca's Fashion And Life!

So what you have to do once you have been nominated is simple!
- Write 11 things about yourself
-  Answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you
-  Make up 11 questions
- Nominate 5 other bloggers

11 things about Georgia!

I am 13 years old
I have 2 dogs called George and Lottie who are Cockpoo's
I go to the same school as Beth
I have never died my hair before
My fave beauty product is Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation
My first High End beauty product was a Bobbi Brown Lipstick in Soft Rose
I always wear false nails
I did Ballet for 9 years and I went to a performing arts group for 5 years
I would really like to go to America
I am going to Cyprus in October

11 things about Beth!

I am 13 years old.
I am getting 2 cats soon
I go to the same school as Georgia
I have highlights (Blonde)
My favorite beauty product is the natural collection pressed powder!
My favorite highend beauty product is well I don't have one! (Oh well)
I have really long nails so but never paint them
I go to a dancing, acting and singing group called Star Academy
I love going shopping
I really want to be an actor!
I just got back from France a couple of days ago!!

Now we are going to answer questions that Becca set us! (Georgia's answers are in ORANGE, Beths answers are in BLUE!)

  1. What do you like about my blog, and what would you change? I like your OOTD's, I love your style and I really like your collages of the products at the top of each post! I would change..I honestly wouldn't change a thing! I love your blog! I just really like most of it to be honest, I really love hauls that you do and things to do with makeup. I would maybe change ohh I really don't no!!
  2. Biggest pet peeve? Urghhh when people chew with thier mouth open! When people say "I'm just saying"!!! after saying something mean or stupid
  3. Do you wear a full face of make up everyday? I mostly do if am going out, but I never really wear eyeliner or mascara unless it is a special occasion and I don't wear any Makeup when I am at home! When I'm at school I usually wear a tiny bit of foundation and concealer with powder and mascara. When I'm on holiday I wear nothing unless I am seeing friends or special occasions! 
  4. What's your favourite skincare product? (specific product) My fave product is the Clean and Clear Advantage Spot Treatment Gel! It helps to get rid of blemishes and reduces redness! My favorite product is the Simple, spotless skin rapid action spot zapper. It really works to get rid of spots and if you put it on at night, the spot is more or less gone by morning.
  5. Favourite drug store make up brand? It has got to be Rimmel London! I love their Wake Me Up and Stay Matte collection, I also really like their Mascaras! It's really gotta agree with Georgia, Rimmel London is amazing and has plenty of products to suit different skin tones.
  6. Favourite finish of lipstick? ( Matt, creamy, glossy etc) My fave finish of Lipstick is creamy it feels and looks good on my lips and it helps keep the moisture in my lips! I don't really have a favorite finish of lipstick. I tend to choose them for different occasions. like Glossy for weddings, posh partys etc. 
  7. Do you believe less is more? I am guessing this is about the amount of makeup you wear!? And if it is I would say yes! Yes defiantly 
  8. Is using animal cruelty free products important to you? Not really, I tend to be more interested in products I know will work, but I do support many charities to do with animal cruelty and I think it is a major issue, but I can never find many products that are cruelty free that work!:(  Yes defiantly, but most products aren't cruelty free. But if more products were I would defiantly buy them 
  9. Would you rather only have: 4 high end products or 10 drug store products? I would rather have 10 highstreet products because you get more for your money and I do have products from drugstores that I like more than high end products! 10 drugstore products as they tend to be a lot cheaper and you can get more.
  10. Favourite mascara ever? (specific product) My fave mascara is the Clarins Wonder Perfect Mascara, This product is quite expensive but I think it is worth it! It makes your lashes longer, Darker and Fuller without clumping! Mine is the MUA eXtreme Curl Mascara, its not expensive (Around-about £2) and it makes your lashes longer, fuller and no clumps.
  11. Do you write PR reviews/ sponsored posts? What's your opinion on them? No, but I would like to, and my opinion of them is great because you get to know about a product that may not be raved about on the interweb!;) No, but I would quite like to. You get to find out about products you may not know about and such!!

Questions from Beth and Georgia!!

  1. Why do you like our blog and what could we change?                                                  
  2. What is your favorite foundation (One product) and why?
  3. What is your top 5 lipsticks/ lip pencils?
  4. What brand do you use the most?
  5. What do you think of fake eyelashes?
  6. In your opinion, what is the best makeup brand and why? 
  7. If you could only have 3 items of makeup what would you choose? (specific products)
  8. What tips do you have for getting blog followers?
  9. What is your fave high end makeup product?
  10. What is your most expensive Makeup product?
  11. What is your cheapest Makeup product you own?

People we nominate for this!!:D

Thankyou Becca for nominating us!!
Beth and Georgia!xxxx

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Summer Essentials!<3

Heyy Guys! So today I am going to be doing a post on my top summer essentials!
My summer essentials!^

So the first thing which is my holy grail summer product is the Johnsons Holiday Skin Body Lotion! This product is a lotion which has tan in it, You apply the lotion once a day, and after about 3-6 days you will notice that your skin will apear more glowing and bronzed! I use this all the time in summer because it makes me feel more confident when I am wearing shorts!

The next product is the Clarins Cleasing Milk! I love this product it is a gentle cleanser which gets rid of any left over makeup! I like this because it doesn't irritate my skin which quite a lot of cleansers can do to me. I like this for summer because it also gives my skin a subtle glow, Which every girl wants!

Another product it the Rimmel WakeMeUp Foundation! We have done a blog post on this before so go check that out for a more detailed description. But this foundation makes you face look great it is a medium to high coverage and has an anti fatigue affect which makes your skin appear younger with the shimmer that is in it!

Next I have the Body Shop Sweet Lemon Beautifing oil! This is am oil which can be used on your face, body and hair! I use it in my hair on the split ends! It helps to give moisture to the hair and leaves it feeling wonderful!

Next is another hair thing, It is the Black and White hair wax! This is just a lovely product I use this to keep my hair in place when I have it up in either a pont tail or a messy bun, And I also like this because it doesn't make your hair look greasy!

Soap and Glory's Body Butter is great I have this in this small travel pot and also in a larger pot! It smells gorgeous and it really moisturises my skin leaving it feeling soft and smooth, it is great to apply after using a body scrub in the shower as the scrub will open your pores and it will make it earsier for the body butter to sink in!

Next is the 17 Natural eyes palette, this includes 5 lovely natural shades of shadow, it comes with some instructions to help you apply the shadows which is really helpful. It was such a bargin too it only cost £4.99!

Another thing I like for summer is the Benefit Bad Gal Lash Mascara, this is a little trial size that came in my I'm Glam Therefore I am palette which I got for christmas! This makes my lashes appear fuller and slightly longer I wear this with a light shadow over the lid and thats all the eye makeup I wear for summer! I also have 2 other products from that palette in this post!

MUA's Lipstick in shade 16 Necter is amazing it is a lovely Orange/Coral colour and it applys lovely to the lips! It is only £1 but it is great, I have to wear a lipbalm underneath as it isn't that moisturising but for £1 it's not gonna be the most moisturising Lipstick on the Market!

Another thing is a Nail Paint from Barry M, the shade is 304 Mint Green and it is the perfect colour for summer, Barry M are one of my favorite rands to get Nail Polishes from, all of their colours are lovely and they all look really opaque on the nails!

The next 2 things are something from the benefit palette too, the first thing is the Girl meets Peals Highligher, This is to be applied on the cheekbones, Down the nose or even or your cupids bow it makes your skin appear more glowing and makes your cheekbones stand out!

And finally the last thing, Benefits Lipgloss in Life on the A list! It is a pale baby pink colour with a small amount of pale blue reflects, this lipgloss has really good pigmentation and is not sticky! A perfect summery colour!

Sorry for the super long post guys! Just been loving loads of products!
Whats your fave summer essentials!?
Georgia & Beth!<3xxxxx